Biodiversity Net Gain
The Environment Act of 2021 has recently been updated with a mandate for developers in England. Developers must achieve a minimum of 10% biodiversity net gain (BNG) on all new developments.
This means that when constructing new developments (certain developments are exempt and BNG will apply to “nationally significant infrastructure projects” from November 2025 ), developers are required to have the habitat surveyed prior to construction, take measures to mitigate negative impact and deliver a minimum of 10% BNG. BNG increase can be achieved through three options and management plans must be drawn up to cover a minimum of 30 years.
Key points about BNG:
Measurement: Biodiversity is quantified using standardized biodiversity units, which consider factors like habitat size, distinctiveness, and location.
Loss and Gain: These biodiversity units can be lost due to development or gained through efforts to create new habitats or enhance existing ones.
On-Site and Off-Site Measures: BNG can be achieved on-site, off-site, or through the purchase of statutory biodiversity credits - individually or in combination. These options are subject to a hierarchical order and the management plan drawn up must cover a minimum of 30 years.
Government Recognition: The UK government recognizes the significance of BNG as a crucial step in conservation efforts, and has therefore made this a mandate. It prioritizes preserving and enhancing our natural environment, even amidst urban expansion and infrastructure projects.
In addition to providing better habitats for wildlife, BNG also contributes to climate change mitigation and offers opportunities for people to connect with nature, promoting overall health and well-being.
There are many ways to earn ‘biodiversity units’ such as creating woodland, hedgerows and meadows. Hedgerows can create some of the most beneficial habitats, and this is reflected in the weighting of the biodiversity units. At Rymer Trees, we grow many hedging species with a minimal footprint, which makes us perfect for most BNG needs.
For more information, follow this link.